HP TUNERS Stock Read


To read the VCM, follow these steps:

1. Connect your HP Tuners interface device to a laptop with VCM Suite installed. Then, connect the device to the vehicle's OBD-II diagnostic port. 

2. If VCM Scanner is open, close it before proceeding.

3. Open VCM Editor.

4. If a tune file is open, close it by selecting File > Close in the menu bar.

5. Turn the vehicle ignition to the ON (or RUN) position, but do not start the engine.

6. Make sure the doors are closed and all accessories are turned off.

7. In VCM Editor, select Flash > Read Vehicle.

vcm editor

8. The Vehicle Reader window appears. Wait 10 to 15 seconds.

9. Click the Read button.

vehicle reader

10.Allow VCM Editor to read the vehicle controllers until the status bar indicates the read is complete.