EZLYNK Instructions

Getting Started:

  1. Download your EZLYNK Auto Agent App from your mobile device app store.
  2. Open the app once it has finished downloading.
  3. The app will prompt for you to make a free account, follow the instructions.
  4. Plug the Auto Agent into the OBD2 port, wait for the lights to cycle on the tool.
  5. Go to your Wi-Fi settings and select your EZLYNK device.
  6. Then open the app.
  7. If this is the first time using your device it will likely need a firmware update and will prompt you to install the new firmware.

Lynking your Vehicle:

  1. While connected via cellular data and your Auto agent connected to your phones Wi-Fi, open the app.
  2. Once you open the app, and you have purchased files from one of our technicians it will ask you to lynk. Simply click lynk.
  3. If you have purchased a file and you are not asked to lynk, please contact our support team techsupport@lakecityperformance.net please add your order number, VIN and add your concern. 
  4. Once a Lynk has been established you can click on the three lines in the top left a sub menu will open, click on vehicle, then go to ecu profiles and load the desired calibration. Be sure to follow all instructions while performing a flash be sure to use a battery charger.